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Who We Are

Everliving God, whose will it is that all should come to you through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him, that all may know the power of his forgiveness and the hope of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.


St. Paul’s is a downtown parish in the heart of Meridian. The people of St. Paul’s are, in a word, unconstrained; susceptible to the mysteries of God. We strive always to open our hearts and minds to all the possibilities of belief, invitation and community. This is the Episcopalian way — to be available to all questions, be welcoming to those who yearn and to share our communal traditions with all who enter our doors. It is a safe place for seekers and a teaching place for those who have begun or continue the endeavor to respond to God’s call to be in communion with Him and each other. We know our place, and it is firm ground. We want to share it with you. We are pleased you have visited this site and we extend an invitation to meet you in person.


In normal times, we worship together in two services on Sunday, we share a meal together on Wednesdays and we have small groups classes that range from education to knitting to mid-week study groups. But as of March 2020, we have suspended services and in-person activities in response to the COVID-19 threat.


But there is a place for you and we do have great activities. Consider these when the COVID-19 threat has passed. Our youth program is a model for the diocese, so we welcome young families, yet we are mindful of the needs of our singles, too. Our parish-wide activities throughout the year are another form of worship centered around fun. You can read more about each of these activities elsewhere in this website.


Here at St. Paul’s you will find a church rich in tradition, steeped in scripture and tempered with reason. Sunday worship is the center of our community, and the Eucharist is the center of our worship. Come join us as we sing together:


This is the Lord’s house,
home of all his people,
school for the faithful,
refuge for the sinner,
rest for the pilgrim,
haven for the weary;
all find a welcome.

—Excerpt from “We the Lord’s People” Hymn #51. John E. Bowers



Our Mission Statement

The vestry of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has adopted a mission statement, a statement of inclusion and these core values:


Mission Statement
St. Paul’s mission is to support and encourage one another in living out our baptismal vows and to share God’s unconditional love with the broader community.

Statement of Inclusion
“This is the Lord’s house, home of all his people, school for the faithful, refuge for the sinner, rest for the pilgrim, haven for the weary; all find a welcome.” (Hymn 51; Verse 4)

Core Values
• Worship
• Serve Christ and neighbors
• Celebrate the blessings of life
• Grow in the knowledge and love of Christ

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